42 stata y axis range
How to modify y-axis range? - Statalist Hello guys, im new here. And also im new with stata. Im having minor problem which is i do not know how to adjust the range of y-axis. im doing kaplan-meier graph and for this graph i want to cut the range between 0 to 0.5. i have upload a picture to make it more clear.. Bar Graphs in Stata - Social Science Computing Cooperative The y axis title "percent" is vague. Make it more clear with a ytitle() option. Note that this axis will be horizontal since you're now making a horizontal graph, but it's still referred to as the y axis. This graph is also in dire need of an overall title, which can be added using the title() option. For graphs describing surveys, the question ...
Stata tip 93: Handling multiple y axes on twoway graphs axis(1)) because axis(1) is the default whenever we do not specify an axis. To alter the side where axis(2) appears, we had to be explicit about the axis number and type yscale(alt axis(2)). If your axis is not where you want it, tell it to alter itself.1 1 Acknowledgment
Stata y axis range
Automatically Generate Linear Axis Range in Stata Automatically Generate Linear Axis Range in Stata You can use the regaxis command in Stata to automatically create axis ranges and ticks for variables that you want to plot together. For example, you run the regaxis command on variable Y and have it generate a Stata local macro that contains a suggested range for the Y axis. Stata Guide: Axes xsc (r (0 1)) ysc (r (0 50)) will set the minimum of both axes to 0, the maximum of the x axis to 1 and the maximum of the y axis to 50. If, say, the minimum value of y is 0, you may omit this value in ysc, mentioning only the upper value of 50 within the parenthesis. Stata graphs: How to add arrows to your line graphs - Medium xsize (16) ysize (9) which again gives us the correctly aligned arrow: Now let's clear Stata and start with a slightly different example where the line does not start at the origin: clear. set ...
Stata y axis range. How to set axes min/max values in the graph editor : stata In the "Graph" panel, click the button "Start Graph Editor". Click somewhere in between the tick marks and the axis label so that a red rectangle wraps around all the ticks and axis label. Then double click in that area again to open the Axis Properties window. At the top, check "Range/Delta". Enter your desired min (0) and max (100) and by how ... How can I graph the results of the margins command? (Stata 12) | Stata FAQ The yline(0) option adds a horizontal line at the 0 value of the y-axis, representing no difference in the probability of y=1 between the two levels of f. marginsplot, yline(0) As nice as the above graph is, it might look better done as a range plot with area shading between the upper and lower confidence bounds. PDF Options for specifying axis scale, range, and look - Stata axis scale options — Options for specifying axis scale, range, and look 3 Suboptions axis(#) specifies to which scale this axis belongs and is specified when dealing with multiple y or x axes; see[G-3] axis choice options. log and nolog specify whether the scale should be logarithmic or arithmetic. nolog is the usual default, so log is the ... Stata Graphics 2: two Y axes (English version) - YouTube We learn how to handle multiple Y axes on the twoway graph. The Stata commands in the video:webuse nlsw88.dta, cleardescribecollapse (mean) m_wage=wage m_hou...
How to Create and Modify Histograms in Stata - Statology By default, Stata displays the density on the y-axis. You can change the y-axis to display the actual frequencies by using the freq command: hist length, freq. Histogram with Percentages. You can also change the y-axis to display percentages instead of frequencies by using the percent command: hist length, percent. Changing the Number of Bins PDF axis choice options - Stata Wiggins, V. L. 2010.Stata tip 93: Handling multiple y axes on twoway graphs. Stata Journal 10: 689-690. Also see [G-3] axis label options — Options for specifying axis labels [G-3] axis options — Options for specifying numeric axes [G-3] axis scale options — Options for specifying axis scale, range, and look How to get y axis range in Stata - Stack Overflow Without any action on my part Stata will choose some reasonable values for the ranges of both y and x axes, based both upon the minimum and maximum y and x values in my data, but also upon some algorithm that decides when it would be prettier for the range to extend instead to a number like '0' instead of '0.0139'. Wonderful! Great. Re: st: modify axis range in scatter graphs - Stata Re: st: modify axis range in scatter graphs. --- On Fri, 19/3/10, joachim jarreau wrote: > If I type the following : > scatter X year, c (l) > I get a graph with the x-scale ranging from 1995 to 2010, > while my data only extend from 1997 to 2007. Adding : > > xscale (range (1997 2007)) > or > xscale (r (1997 2007) noextend) > > does not modify ...
Stata: categorical y-axis in line plot - Stack Overflow So, essentially I would like to use the labels, rather than the values on the y-axis. plot time-series stata axis-labels ... it's your problem. Linear regression isn't in principle well suited to bounded variables, i.e. if the range of possible values is just 1 to 26, then linear fits won't respect that. ... Browse other questions tagged plot ... Article - Stata Graphing - Dartmouth Open a plot in a Stata graph window, then right click it (Control-Click if using a one-button mouse on a Macintosh). This will give you a contextual menu from which you can select to print the plot. Or, you can save it in a variety of formats. Or, you also can copy your plot to the clipboard. If you choose the copy option, then open a word ... How to Create and Modify Scatterplots in Stata - Statology Note that the last variable you type will be used for the x-axis. For example, the following command tells Stata to create a scatterplot using length as the x-axis variable and weight and displacement as the y-axis variables: scatter weight displacement length. How to Modify Scatterplots in Stata PDF Syntax - Stata 2 axis scale options — Options for specifying axis scale, range, and look Description The axis scale options determine how axes are scaled (arithmetic, log, reversed), the range of the axes, and the look of the lines that are the axes.
Stata tip 23: Regaining control over axis ranges - SAGE Journals To determine the range of an axis, Stata begins with the minimum and maximum of the data. Then it will widen (but never narrow) the axis range as instructed by range(). Finally, it will widen the axis if necessary to accommodate any axis labels. By default, twoway labels the axes with "about" five ticks, the equivalent of spec- ifying xlabel(#5).
st: RE: RE: RE: yscale/range to plot - Stata -ylabel (minmax)- is documented under [G] axis_label_options. Note that this is explicitly telling Stata to label only the minimum and maximum values (which may not be what you want to label); as previously noted, any -ylabel ()- option will override the default behaviour of -sts graph- to have a y-axis labelled from 0 to 1.
Stata tip 55: Better axis labeling for time points and time intervals The Stata Journal (2007) 7, Number 4, pp. 590-592 Stata tip 55: Better axis labeling for time points and time intervals Nicholas J. Cox Department of Geography Durham University Durham City, UK ... usually the quarter with highest turkey sales. summarize reveals that the times range from 120 to 159 quarters (0 means the first quarter of 1960 ...
stata - Histograms: display a y-axis with a break in the range of ... My first thought is to put a break in the y-axis (say from 10 to 90), displaying only values from 0 to 10 and then from 10 to 90. That could allow me to see better the outliers while still displaying the 98% value of the first bin. However, I do not manage to put that into practice. You can find below the histogram as it looks now. histogram stata
Stata graphs: How to add arrows to your line graphs - Medium xsize (16) ysize (9) which again gives us the correctly aligned arrow: Now let's clear Stata and start with a slightly different example where the line does not start at the origin: clear. set ...
Stata Guide: Axes xsc (r (0 1)) ysc (r (0 50)) will set the minimum of both axes to 0, the maximum of the x axis to 1 and the maximum of the y axis to 50. If, say, the minimum value of y is 0, you may omit this value in ysc, mentioning only the upper value of 50 within the parenthesis.
Automatically Generate Linear Axis Range in Stata Automatically Generate Linear Axis Range in Stata You can use the regaxis command in Stata to automatically create axis ranges and ticks for variables that you want to plot together. For example, you run the regaxis command on variable Y and have it generate a Stata local macro that contains a suggested range for the Y axis.
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