43 browning 1911 380 problems
1911-380 Pistol Overview - Browning It is The Right 380. The 1911-380 combines the proven 1911 design with another of John Browning's inventions —the 380 ACP cartridge — in a package that is 15% smaller than the 45 ACP models and tips the scales at a mere 17-1/2 ounces unloaded. With a manual of arms similar to the 1911, the 1911-380 the perfect choice for concealed carry ... BROWNING 1911-380 BLACK LABEL - gunbroker.com Buy * BROWNING 1911-380 BLACK LABEL *: GunBroker is the largest seller of Semi Auto Pistols Pistols Guns & Firearms All: 944942770. ... If it fails again, call us to try and resolve the problem at 602-358-9026. 2.) Federal Firearms License (FFL): We must ship all firearms to a verified FFL holder. Please contact your dealer and have them email ...
1911-380 Compact issues | Browning Owners Forums > Handguns > Browning 1911 - 380 Handgun > 1911-380 Compact issues. Discussion in 'Browning 1911 ... Sorry to hear about that problem... Browning Customer Service is pretty good...they will make it right. SHOOTER13, Nov 19, 2017 #2. ... Well I got my 1911-380 back from Cabela's 3 weeks ago. Although a bit aggravated after such a long ...
Browning 1911 380 problems
Browning 1911-380 Failure - YouTube A short video showing some issues I'm facing on a Browning 1911-380 Black Label Update: 6 weeks after being sent in for evaluation, Browning said that I could pay them $100 to fix what appears to... Browning 1911-380 Review - Gun Digest This locked-breech, single-stack .380 is the same size as Browning's 1911-22—about 85 percent of a full-size .45-caliber 1911. The composite frame and machined steel slide keep the weight down to a handy 17½ ounces, and at only 7½ inches long, it's easy to picture comfortably carrying this gun all day long. BROWNING 1911-380 380 AUTO | Cabela's Ashland, VA 23005. (804) 496 - 4700. View All Guns at This Store. See Store Details. This pre-owned firearm can be purchased exclusively through Ashland - Bass Pro Shops by calling or emailing the store. We will then ship to the FFL (Federal Firearms License) dealer of your choice, or a Cabela's or Bass Pro Shops retail store for you.
Browning 1911 380 problems. Any experience with the Browning 1911 380? : guns - reddit The 1911 design is one of the toughest autoloader designs out there. And if it can handle a mountain of 45 acp, is can handle a 380. It's much easier to scale a big gun down than it is to make a small gun handle bigger cartridges. Part of why the early .40 S&W guns had problems, they were scaling 9mm guns up to a higher pressure, bigger round. Browning 1911-22 Lr Black Label SAFETY issue/problem and Review Ep:18In this video I Review and also discuss a safety problem this fire arm has which was also verified by browning company that their 22 Lr. 1911 pistols ar... Browning 1911-380 Problems | 1911Forum Porper lubrication can fix a lot of problems on 1911s. Find a good local smith to show you how to properly maintain and clean your weapon, get him to double check the extractor tension just for good measure. I'll bet you it will run fine then. If not, let Browning worry about it. Browning 1911-380: issues, troubleshooting, progress The mags on the Browning 1911-380 are "deep" from front to back, and so when loaded with cartridges that are on the short end of spec, the rounds are enabled to slide forward and the mag releases the round too easily and causes all kinds of problems. With this data, I now have my firearm happily running with zero problems in about 400 rounds.
1911-380 grip safety | Handgun Forum I picked up my new Browning 1911-380 today. Haven't shot it yet but in checking it out, using a trigger scale to check the trigger, I experienced some problems with the grip safety. ... I experienced similar difficulty disengaging the grip safety on a S&W 1911 but for a different reason. The problem was the firing pin safety was tied to the ... New Browning 1911 in 380 ... Any Good? | Handgun Forum Browning is telling some with problematic pistols parts for repair are in short supply. Seems to be sort of a crap-shoot as to whether or not you can get a problem free 380 auto 1911 from Browning at this point. Time will tell, I'll wait and see... Oh, and you are correct. People rarely bother to report it when a $600+ pistol works like it should. I have had nothing but problems with the Browning 1911 .380 ... - reddit The 1911-380s are known to be pretty reliable, and Browning is known for its service. It really sucks that you're having this much trouble with them. If they won't replace it, or you get a replacement and just don't trust it anymore (understandable), look at a Beretta 85. New Browning 1911-380 Issue | Handgun Forum Most feeding issues with 1911-style pistols revolve around magazine feed lips and feed ramps. If the magazine isn't working well, try another magazine. If that doesn't work, try doing a ramp-and-chamber polish job. (Ask me for instructions.) If all that doesn't help, see a really good pistol-gunsmith.
RANT: Browning 1911 .380 issues! | Page 2 | 1911 Fanatics Forum My 2nd Browning 1911 .380 that Browning sent me ran fine for 500-600 rounds. Then, same 'ol stovepipe problems started again. I had 6 Browning mags for it and it would hang up with every mag and no matter what ammo you used, it'd would not shoot a mag without a hang up. Best thing I ever did was wipe my hands free of Browning 1911 .380's. Browning 1911. .380 | Ruger Forum Joined Oct 24, 2008. 543 Posts. #6 · Jun 12, 2015 (Edited) 1911-380. My wife has been shooting a 1911-22 for about a year, so when Browning announced the 1911-380, she was first on the waiting list at our gun store/range. First of April 2015, she got the call, and at first it did sound like an April fools day prank, but after a bit of pleading ... Gun Review: Browning 1911-380 Black Label Pro Speed .380 ACP Pistol I bought a Browning 1911 .380 a while back and it wouldn't shoot a mag without a malfunction of some kind. I called Browning and they wanted the gun back. I sent it to them and they called me saying the gun was indeed a "lemon". They sent me a new one and it shot fine for about 400 rounds and then started having malfunctions like the first gun. Browning 1911-380 Failure (Update with Fix) - YouTube Probably a long winded recap of my video about my 1911-380 that I hate a lot due to failures from the time I got it. The first 15-20 is recapping the issue a...
Browning BDA .380---any good? | 1911Forum Joined Jan 2, 2002. 13,406 Posts. #5 · Nov 22, 2002. Beretta has manufactured at least 2 guns that I know of for Browning . The BDA 380 is one and the B-80 semi auto shotgun the other (copy of A302) not made anymore . Davidson's has an exclusive deal with Browning on the BDA 380 as well as the Silver Chrome Hi-Powers.
Review: Browning Black Label 1911-380 - An Official Journal Of The NRA A scaled down version of the fullsize Government Model 1911, The Browning Black Label 1911-380 is built on the same footprint as the company's successful 1911-22, but with a .380 ACP chambering ...
RANT: Browning 1911 .380 issues! | 1911 Fanatics Forum My wife shoots the Browning 1911 380 , the first 200 rounds had some stove pipes and a couple fail to feeds, they slowed down after the break in, I widened the mag lips and they stopped all together, 2 years later now and bought 2 more mags and no problems with these with no adjustment. Apr 16, 2019. #12. J.
RANT: Browning 1911 .380 issues! | Page 4 | 1911 Fanatics Forum I haven't had any feed problems with the 1911 380 but have a problem with the finish on this gun. It seems extremely thin on the slide and is already showing scratches after minimal holster use. Additionally, the finish is applied unevenly and only shows dark black in one patch on the slide, the rest is a thin, poorly done finish.
Browning 1911 .380 | Known Issues [Solved] - American Gun Facts Browning 1911 380 Problems Misfires. The type of misfire we're talking about is when you pull the trigger, the hammer falls, but the gun doesn't... Successive Rounds not Loading. The Browning 1911 is a semi-automatic, which means that as you shoot, each successive... Slide not Fully Returning. The ...
Review: The Browning 1911-380 Pistol - An Official Journal Of The NRA An Even Smaller 1911-380. D espite Browning's contention that its 4 1/4"-barreled 1911-380 is the "right" size, it has bowed to customer demand for an even more compact version. Some must ...
Browning 1911-380 Handgun troubleshooting | Browning Owners The problem was the front of the mag feed lips were spread too far. If one looks at the feed lips on these mags, they are not very long to begin with (compared to other .380 mags) so there is not that much holding the round to begin with. Unfortunately the lack of spare mags did not help matters (for easy process of elimination).
New Browning 1911-380 Issue | Page 2 | Handgun Forum New Browning 1911-380 Issue. Jump to Latest Follow 21 - 40 of 40 Posts. Prev ... Write a letter to the CEO of Browning, probably in Utah, explaining your problem, and noting that you have received no useful response from Browning. ... Got the little 1911-380 back a few days ago. Repair order states "two magazines and minor repair work". Took ...
BROWNING 1911-380 380 AUTO | Cabela's Ashland, VA 23005. (804) 496 - 4700. View All Guns at This Store. See Store Details. This pre-owned firearm can be purchased exclusively through Ashland - Bass Pro Shops by calling or emailing the store. We will then ship to the FFL (Federal Firearms License) dealer of your choice, or a Cabela's or Bass Pro Shops retail store for you.
Browning 1911-380 Review - Gun Digest This locked-breech, single-stack .380 is the same size as Browning's 1911-22—about 85 percent of a full-size .45-caliber 1911. The composite frame and machined steel slide keep the weight down to a handy 17½ ounces, and at only 7½ inches long, it's easy to picture comfortably carrying this gun all day long.
Browning 1911-380 Failure - YouTube A short video showing some issues I'm facing on a Browning 1911-380 Black Label Update: 6 weeks after being sent in for evaluation, Browning said that I could pay them $100 to fix what appears to...
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